Benefits of Space: International Peace and Security 

In 1958, shortly after the launch of the first artificial satellite, the General Assembly decided to establish an ad hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Since that time the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space has evolved, and the Committee and its two Subcommittees have become unique platforms for States to come together to review the scope of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space, encourage continued research and the dissemination of information on outer space matters, and study legal question arising from the exploration of outer space.

When it comes to space activities, the areas of science, technology, law, policy and security are inherently interlinked. Space technologies often have overlapping civilian and military applications, and choices made about the uses of outer space directly impact international peace, safety and security. The Office for Outer Space Affairs, in its support of the Committee and its Subcommittees, supports constructive and innovative discussions and agreements on measures that all of us, engaging directly in space activities or benefitting from space-based services, can take to ensure the peaceful, safe and secure continuity of space activities.

 For more information see:

Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (A/68/189)

Fourth Committee of the General Assembly

First Committee of the General Assembly

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs

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